Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Oh See What's In Store.

In case you didn't know, I'm part of the DLSU Outdoor Club, DLSU OC, for short.
I have never been athletic or even remotely outdoorsy so it kinda puzzled my friends as to why I would join the org. Mostly, for me, it was because I was bored and wanted to be a part of as many orgs as possible.
However dismal my reasons for joining the org are, after attending the 1st official OC off-campus activity of the year, the Gulugod Baboy Climb, I could not stop myself from wanting to be at every single activity and hanging out with the people I met on the trips everyday at school.
A group shot from the Gulugod climb.
Us, chilling before bedtime at the Reef Check activity. Sleeping indoors. A special occasion.
Learning to surf on the 2nd OC surf trip of the year!
Our usual camping set-up. This one was on Mt.Cristobal.
I just thought I'd share my experiences with this AWESOME org and invite you guys to the 3rd general assembly, in case you were interested. We welcome both members and non-members alike to our activities.
It's gonna be on January 13, 2012 from 6pm-8pm at Y507! I'm one of the hosts by the way, so it's gonna be fun.
See you there!

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