Wednesday, January 4, 2012

3hour Breaks and a PMS-ing Flake

So, first day back on school campus today since break started. First day flaunting my bald head, too. I was supposed to make a vlog, but then I decided tomorrow might be better since the actual start of my classes aren't until then.
Wrong. I missed recording some of the most hilarious comments and conversations I've had with some of my friends. That means I can't share them with you either. I'm sorry.
Anyway, last time, I talked about reserving my adjustment pass and all. And today was the day I'd get to use it, in a 30min period. Starting at 8:30am.
My back hurt like hell last night- imagine trying to stretch hard, day-old, chewed up gum. That's pretty much what the muscles at the base of back felt like when I applies a hot compress to it. This meant I wasn't able to get much sleep. So I got out of bed and was ready to leave by 6am.
Despite having to hitch a ride with my siblings, I actually got to school by 8am.
I've got everything ready for my adjustment, the schedule revisions I wanted to make, alternatives. Everything was ready. The freaking forever PMS-ing secretary of the vice dean wouldn't allow me to transfer into any of the classes because they were already full. Even when I said it was because it was in conflict with my treatments (I didn't say for what, though. Still, this makes me a bad person, I know. I'm sorry. I was desperate.)
So I got up early and went to school for absolutely nothing.
I didn't even get to take videos of the JEMA people's reactions to my baldness. Such a waste.
Bright side though, I was able to spend a few hours with my JEMA friends. And an hour or two talking with, and mostly laughing at Nads.
Oh. I've got news about something else. Which I will reserve for another blog post. Keeping you in suspense is pointless since the intro to it isn't even that interesting but whatever.
I'll try to post a vlog tomorrow!
Before I forget though, here's my class schedule in case you wanna bum around with me.

P.S. I'm so proud of myself for posting for 4 days in a row. It'll probably lessen when classes seriously start though. Just sayin'.

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