Saturday, January 7, 2012

Conventional Cancer

No, I don't have cancer. But since I've shaved my head, it seems like everyone has assumed that I do. I wear beanies and scarves on my head to keep my blindingly white scalp from burning under the sun, and I take them off during classes since a lot of professors don't allow them in class.
On the rare occasions that I do keep them on though (so far, it's only been due to the fact that the air conditioner is blowing directly at my head), the professors never say anything. I'm not exactly sure if it's because they really don't mind, or if it's because they don't want to offend me.
There's this whole preconceived notion about baldness and straight women in society. 
It is never by choice. 
There's always some kind deadly disease-related reason behind a straight woman totally shaving off all her hair. I mean, ok, I get the fact that a lot of women don't have their luscious locks shaved off on whim, but it doesn't necessarily mean that those that do are sick or dying.
There are some women that rock the locks, or lack of them, just because.
Just one of the women on the list. My favorite, by far.

Here is a list of someone's top ten. And I pretty much agree.
What say you?

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