Sunday, January 1, 2012

Being Charlie

Happy New Year, everyone! And as new year tradition dictates, I've come up with my new year's resolutions which I will hopefully see through til the end of 2012. So, for those of you who are curious about my resolutions, or are just bored enough to take an interest, here they, or rather, it is:


Most of you are probably scratching your heads wondering what 'Be Charlie' means. So let me explain.
Earlier in 2011, one of my professors asked us to give her a name that we'd like to be called and known as in class. I chose the name Charlie. Not because I wasn't happy with my real name, it was more like, this was a chance to be known as someone else, at the very least by name. As the term passed, I noticed that Charlie was someone I wish I were in my everyday life. Someone who was confident in everything she did and did everything she set her mind to doing. She wasn't afraid of failure, of trying new things, of doing things that scared her.
As Steph, I'm loud and outgoing, but I'm not determined enough. I lose my focus and give up as soon as the going gets tough. My goals aren't set high enough-mediocrity is acceptable. 
That's not to say that Steph doesn't have good qualities, it's just that I, as Steph, have shortcomings too, just like every normal person.
Long story short, I want to become a better version of me. A 'me' I can be proud of.
Now to be more specific, a 'me' I can be proud of includes:
1. Getting a GPA of at least 3.0 for the whole year.
2. Living a healthier lifestyle.
3. Getting a job, at the very least for the summer.
4. Trying something new at least once a month.
5. Overcoming at least one fear for the year.
That's all I can really think of right now.
May the year be an everlasting bang for all of us.
Any suggestions for my list? Or better yet, what are your resolutions for 2012? Care to share?

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