Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Book List

On second thought, I'm not posting the complete list of books I've read over Christmas break because I've got a feeling you guys will judge me. So I'll post the not so harshly judge-able ones. And review them in a sentence.

The Sherlockian: I really wanted to like it, but it wasn't worth the effort it took me to finish it.

One For The Money: The ball was round but it rolled along real slow.

Rumour Has It: Cute story and British accents (I can hear them in my head, sue me), 'nuff said.

To Kill a Mockingbird: I now understand why it's a classic.

Yup, I think no one will be able to judge me too harshly for those. You guys got any good book reccomendations? Comment comment comment!

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