Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Talking Shit

First post I'm making from my iTouch so I can't change the font. But it has to work because this can't wait.
This is obviously going to be a I'm-pissed-off-and-the-world-needs-to-know post. If you're having a good day, just ignore me. This isn't going to contain any names for you to search for on social networking sites anyway so just continue with your happy life.
You've been warned.
There are people who make comments that are worth listening to and there are people who should never make comments. On anything. Ever.
Someone just told me I 'talk shit' because of an answer I gave to his inquiry which, if I specify any further will make abundantly clear who this person is. Oh, also because he overheard me talking about why I keep shaving my hair off (I was explaining my alopecia to someone else who asked).
First of all, if you do not believe the answers I give to your inquiries, especially regarding my personal belongings, why the hell did you ask in the first place?
I am now making an announcement: do not ask me personal questions if, when I give you a serious answer, you will not believe me anyway. It is stupid on your part, frustrating on mine. There is no point in our exerting effort to form words with our tongues, mouths, voice box, and whatever other body parts are required in speaking if you have already decided that your assumption is right. I do not need you to share your questions with me because I obviously already know the answers to these 'personal' inquiries seeing as they are about me.
Second of all, and honestly this is the important part, how much of a douchebag are you to say, out loud and to my face, that I am making up the fact that my hair falls out due to stress. Alopecia is a real thing and, though I am confident in whatever hairstyle I have to maintain, your immediate dismissal of the emotional whirlwind and vulnerability this medical condition has put me through is hurtful and insensitive.
Finally, do not claim people 'talk shit' just because the answers you get do not coincide with what you wanted to hear. It's ignorant and narrow-minded.

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