Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New Heights

I didn't post last Wednesday. I didn't post over the weekend either. Why not, you ask? Here are the answers:
Wednesday, for the simple reason that there was nothing to write about. Weekend because I went on a hike. YAY HIKES!
We went to Daguldol, Batangas. 4hr hike, achieved in 3hrs40mins. At night. By moonlight. Who's awesome now, betch. We were the PM batch of DLSU OC to climb since the first batch started at around 3 or 4pm, I think? We started at 9:30pm?
I didn't realize how much I missed hiking until this hike. Normally, I'm not so hot for hiking trips and I usually suck at it. But for the first time, since EVER, I didn't mind the hike. The fact that our adventure started with us walking along the beach should have given me a clue as to how happy this hike would make me. And I actually felt kinda fulfilled during the hike instead of just after it.
(c) Ysa Omengan
Coming down was a bit harder. Extremely painful toes were the result of that one. It took way longer than it should have for me to get back to the base of the mountain.
But rewards are given to the deserving. We got to hang around at the beach before heading home. It was a bit rocky on the shore but near the end of the beach, there was a pier. 
(c) Ysa Omengan
We were able to jump off the pier! Which was extremely scary for me since I hate drops, especially since the pier was about... what? 15ft from the surface of the water? I might be exaggerating but that's what it felt like to me, but I did it twice. The first time with a little hesitation and the second time took like... 15mins of urging, but I did it anyway.
Yay me!
(c) Ysa Omngan
That pier in the distance. Yup.
So yeah, I'll have a vlog post up on Wednesday about the hike, and other stuff if I have more to talk about, and STILL have a post up by the weekend to make up for my week's absence.
Right now though, I have to go to bed. So g'night.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Series Binging

I've been obsessed with tons of tv series lately... Ok, Not lately. For a LONG while. It's one of the ways I bond with my dad. We watch so new episodes late at night, or do a marathon on weekends. Or a lot of times, I marathon a few all on my own. I'll stay up until the wee hours of the morning to finish it.
My most recent binges have been on the following (classified by genre in case you were looking for something in particular):


The New Normal*
Modern Family
2 Broke Girls*
The Mindy Project


Blue Bloods*
Law and Order SVU
Criminal Minds


Doctor Who*
Lost Girl*
Life on Mars
Once Upon a Time*
The Vampire Diaries*

I Don't Know How to Classify These:

Hart of Dixie*
Person of Interest

*Highly recommended

This list is severely lacking. I can't remember some of them but there are just SO MANY on my list. I swear. I am in love with most of the leading men. Right now I am in love with Lost Girl's Kris Holden-Ried (Why? Because this is all I have watched for the past 10hrs.)

Kris Holden-Ried, everybody! Can I just like. Seriously. LOOK AT HIM. HOW IS THIS EVEN. DAMN IT. JUST. UGHHHH.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Talking Shit

First post I'm making from my iTouch so I can't change the font. But it has to work because this can't wait.
This is obviously going to be a I'm-pissed-off-and-the-world-needs-to-know post. If you're having a good day, just ignore me. This isn't going to contain any names for you to search for on social networking sites anyway so just continue with your happy life.
You've been warned.
There are people who make comments that are worth listening to and there are people who should never make comments. On anything. Ever.
Someone just told me I 'talk shit' because of an answer I gave to his inquiry which, if I specify any further will make abundantly clear who this person is. Oh, also because he overheard me talking about why I keep shaving my hair off (I was explaining my alopecia to someone else who asked).
First of all, if you do not believe the answers I give to your inquiries, especially regarding my personal belongings, why the hell did you ask in the first place?
I am now making an announcement: do not ask me personal questions if, when I give you a serious answer, you will not believe me anyway. It is stupid on your part, frustrating on mine. There is no point in our exerting effort to form words with our tongues, mouths, voice box, and whatever other body parts are required in speaking if you have already decided that your assumption is right. I do not need you to share your questions with me because I obviously already know the answers to these 'personal' inquiries seeing as they are about me.
Second of all, and honestly this is the important part, how much of a douchebag are you to say, out loud and to my face, that I am making up the fact that my hair falls out due to stress. Alopecia is a real thing and, though I am confident in whatever hairstyle I have to maintain, your immediate dismissal of the emotional whirlwind and vulnerability this medical condition has put me through is hurtful and insensitive.
Finally, do not claim people 'talk shit' just because the answers you get do not coincide with what you wanted to hear. It's ignorant and narrow-minded.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Book List

On second thought, I'm not posting the complete list of books I've read over Christmas break because I've got a feeling you guys will judge me. So I'll post the not so harshly judge-able ones. And review them in a sentence.

The Sherlockian: I really wanted to like it, but it wasn't worth the effort it took me to finish it.

One For The Money: The ball was round but it rolled along real slow.

Rumour Has It: Cute story and British accents (I can hear them in my head, sue me), 'nuff said.

To Kill a Mockingbird: I now understand why it's a classic.

Yup, I think no one will be able to judge me too harshly for those. You guys got any good book reccomendations? Comment comment comment!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Not the Book Review I Promised

I saw this: 
Original site here.
And just thought that, if you didn't already know, the company that owns Dove also owns Axe, which advertises the women that men want to attract like this:
Which is really sad since this basically makes them liars. Such a waste since the message they send with Dove is brilliant.
I have no problem calling the girls they use in the Axe ads pretty or sexy or beautiful, because they are. I just wish they would be more open to diverse kinds of beauty or sexiness.
Yeah. That's pretty much it for the night.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

White Rabbit

"I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" - White Rabbit

I told you guys this was going to be hard for me, first "scheduled" post and I'm already starting it an hour and 49minutes late. But I'll try to get better as time goes on. No promises other than that I'll try.
So I've been watching a ton of movies and reading tons of books to pass time before school starts, which is in a few hours (and my body clock's still messed up. Damn.) I'll list a few of them down and give a sentence-contained review for each of them.

Sisterakas: Storyline was so-so, punchlines were awesome.
Sosy Problems: Pretty, exaggeratedly conyo girls who lacked comedic timing and scriptwriters with no real dedication to their story.
Life of Pi: The entire experience of being in line for a rollercoaster until the moment you finally get to ride it. (I'm assuming, since I hate rollercoasters.)
Rise of the Guardians: I am in lust with Jack Frost and in love with the Sandman.
Django Unchained: Bloody but significant.
My Neighbor Totoro: Nostalgia incarnate. (Might just be for me, though.)
Pitch Perfect: Acca-tastic, yes I said it, and just do you know all of them can sing.

There are so many more, but I'm too lazy to post the others. Sorry...
Damn it. My dad's telling me to go to bed or I won't wake up for class tomorrow.
I will post the books tomorrow. I hope. I will try.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

I'm Back

Ok. I've been gone for 6months and every now and then I'm like, 'I should write in my blog. People are gonna think I did have cancer and died.' but then I'm too lazy or too busy or just so uninspired that I don't even bother. So I've let you go and think that I've been dead. I'm such a selfish bitch.
But now, I'm back. And hopefully I'll be updating twice a week. I have come to realize that daily updates is just not possible for me. I don't have the discipline to keep it up.
So to update you with my life since I stopped blogging last year, we'll do a really quick post, no pictures. My hair grew back over summer break, and it was pretty good until the end of first term and it started falling out again. Did a couple of hikes and a lot of surf trips. Friend left, then came back within a month when she was supposed to be gone for a year. Then... Big fights and Christmas break and now it's a new year. Uneventful to say the least.
So yeah, that's pretty much it for now. I'll be updating every Wednesday and a weekend. I hope. I will do my best.