Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pew Pew take2

 I haven't posted in a while. Partly due to the heat, mostly due to laziness. So again, I'll be updating in a series this week, starting with the Boracay trip I went on with my friends last April 12, 2012.
My friends being Ateneans and an Iska were on break, meaning Jen and I, being La Sallians, had to cut a day or two of class. Supposedly the trip was to bond with one of our friends who's leaving for Singapore later this year, but at the last minute, her parents made her back out... no REAL surprise there.
So anyway, night before we left, we stayed at Phoebe's house. Just because it would be more convenient... and more fun.
Phoebe and Sarah tried teaching me how to play bridge. Which I can beat them at after a few tries. BOOM BABY! We barely slept and Pheebs didn't sleep at all. So yeah, rushrushrush to the airport... Not really, we were pretty chill coz we were super early.
I'll speed through the next part coz I can feel you getting bored.
So we check-in our "luggage", have breakfast at the airport. Chill a bit more, board the tiny plane and fall asleep before take-off. Land at Caticlan airport and wait for the carousel to spit out our bags.
Funny thing though, there was a box of Dove bar soap riding the carousel like nobody's business.
Moving on, we had a short ride to the boat, rode it across to Boracay island itself then shuttle ride to the hotel. Estacio Uno, same place we stayed last time.
We got there at around 9am so we had to chill a bit at the cabana.

Chillin at the cabana with Jen, Phoebe and Patrick. (c)Gai Pardilla
By 10am we were showed to our room, so we picked our beds and took naps til lunch.

Our room. (c) Jenina See
After our nap and lunch, we went out to ride the Zorb. It's this huge plastic bubble that they can either strap you into to or let you slosh around with a bucket or two worth of water, then they let you roll down a hill... try it if you haven't. It's fun.

ZORB! (c) Gai Pardilla
Wet and wild. (c) Phoebe Chua
Sarah strapped in for the dry Zorb ride! (c) Phoebe Chua

We bummed around the rest of the day, had dinner and bonded over drinks. First night was 3 pitchers of Toilet Duck. Which was fun. Bonded with Patrick and Mark. Soldiers fell one by one... survivors: I can't even remember but I think it was me, Gai and Phoebe? Jen broke out in a killer rash, so did Patrick.
Next day we bummed around again but it started to rain. Hard. Which would have been fine. Except we were going to go on a yacht ride with everyone. But we decided to persevere and it turned out fine. It stopped raining by the time we got on the boat and we were able to relax and enjoy the view. Which was awesome, just so you know. I'll post the video of the view sometime this week. Honest.
Row row row your boat! (c) Sarah Liao
Jen, Phoebe and Gai.
Everyone we were with on our trip.
Jen's attempt at being a "photographer". (c) Jenina See
Group pic of me and my girls! (c) Mark Ley
View of the shoreline in party mode.
So yeah, we had massages then went out to eat. Went back to the hotel after and started drinking. Again. Absolut and Jose Cuervo this time. Not really the Cuervo but the Absolut was gone.
Absolut with Sprite and cherries.
We drank til 4am, I think. Again one by one the soldiers fell except for 3 survivors: Gai, Mark and me. We were a bit hungry so we headed to Jonah's for some shake. Yum.
Survivors enjoying shakes from Jonah's.
Went back to the resort and chilled awhile. The two other people in the picture mixed Cuervo into my shake. Dastardly devils. Didn't really matter though, coz I'm strong. Kidding. Anyway. Yeah. We stayed up til around 5:30am. Then that was it, trip over. Back to Manila. Sad story. But super fun weekend.

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