Friday, February 1, 2013

Ok, I Lied

I wasn't able to make up for my absence through a vlog post by Wednesday. I'm sorry. I just get really busy. And we had a quiz that made me want to cry. MANASCI. Eff. Anyway.
Last night Laura, StephB, Aldric and I went out to watch Gangster Squad. Laura and I were pretty much wearing the same outfit. Thank God I brought a sweater with me so we were able to go around without looking like we planned it. Anyway, Gangster Squad.

It was really good. Although, I feel kinda bad that Emma Stone didn't play as big a role in the movie as I would've liked... She was super hot though. So was Ryan Gosling. Dear Lord, RYAN GOSLING.
Not a spoiler: There's this scene in the movie where he's leaning against a pillar and he winks. And I swear, I would give anything to be the one he was winking at. Ugh.
SO moving on, earlier today Iris came over to take photos of me for her class project. Haha. So new profile pictures are on the way in a week, maybe. And right now, we're here. I'm watching her play XBox while I'm blogging. I'm such fun company *dripping with sarcasm*.
That's pretty much it for now.

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