Thursday, June 21, 2012

Words of Encouragement

There aren't that many spoken in this house.
I'm just so disappointed in the lack of support and optimism and faith my parents have in me and my sister. It's not that they're not supportive at all, it's that a lot of the time, I don't think they're supportive enough. I know that we might not exactly deserve their encouragement as of late, what with us not being start students, at times not even average, but could you not be so pessimistic?
Seriously. I know you're being honest about our abilities based on our past performance, but could you just not? At least once in a while? Can't you abide by the rule 'if you've got nothing good to say, don't say anything at all' or react negatively? You taught us that, could you live by it?
I'm making my parents sound totally unsupportive. They're not. They're really just, as I said, honest about our abilities based on our past performance.
It's not like they go, 'you can't do it', it's more like they make a comment or a facial expression that we just KNOW is meant to discourage us from getting our hopes too high. Probably so they don't drop and crumble if we fail. Which is a good thing. I guess.
I just wish they were the parents who are just like, 'YOU CAN DO IT!' even if they have no idea what their kids are trying to achieve. Even if it's just once in a while. Or even just once.
I don't think they've ever lied to us even to just let us delusion ourselves into thinking that we could do absolutely anything we wanted.
Anyway, I'm rambling. And I just wanted to dedicate this to my sister. Who has a bright future ahead of her. Know that I believe in you. I do. A lot of other people do too. We're just not wired the way some people wish we were. And they are looking out for your future, in the way you know how, which is just not always in the way you'd like.

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