Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tick tock to 2012

Right now, it's 5:30am on the last day of the year and I'm writing a blog post about nothing. Why? For the simple reason that sleep evades me. It has been this way for the past couple of weeks and in the idle time in which my brain has refused to let me succumb to my exhaustion, I've decided that I'm going to be blogging in 2012. 
I'm not sure if it'll be a fashion blog as I am nowhere near as brilliant as my friend Tin is in the styling department, nor am I as fashion forward. Or if it'll be a relationship blog, which I highly doubt since I have absolutely no experience in that area unlike Ralph. Or if it'll be about the books I've read, am about to read and want to read (I am a bookworm to the nth degree, I read as much as I can). Or if it'll be a blog where I can ramble about anything and everything that pops into my head (that actually seems more like me). Who knows though, it might turn into a combination of all four and then some.
One thing it will not turn into however, is a blog dedicated to hats. So if you have taken an interest in this blog simply because I have called it 'The Madhatter's Diaries', I am telling you now, I may or may not write about hats in this blog, but I will definitely not write solely about the fashion accessories that perch atop heads.
Huh. It actually took me 30mins. to write this blog post. Forgive me if you don't find it up to par, but I promise the entries will get better. Before I end this post though, I just wanted to greet everyone a Happy New Year! I hope you spend it with the people you love and the ones that love you back. 

I know, kinda cheesy and extremely overused. Deal with it.
I'll probably post my New Year's resolutions tomorrow. Share yours with me too?